

Senior Member (Doctor) R$ 330,00
Regular Member (Bachelor, MSc or PhD student) R$ 250,00
Student Member (Undergraduate student) R$ 110,00
Non Members R$ 700,00

Members of other Brazilian or international scientific societies are entitled to pay the same fees of the members of SBF. After the registration, they are kindly asked to send an official declaration of the society of which they are members confirming their memberships to Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. .

The registration fee will not be reimbursed after the 17th June deadline.
Members with overdue payment of association fee
Members in this condition are required to pay the overdue annual fees with the registration.

Participants in the following categories are exempt from paying the registration fee.
Invited national and international speakers.
Members of the Organizing and Local Committee
Members of sponsor companies (EXPOFISICA)

Click here to access the online registration form