Vol. 27 - nº 2 - June - 1997



65-75 Optical Properties of Natural InxGa1-xAs Quantum Dots Grown on High-Index GaAs Substrates
P. P. González-Borrero, D. I. Lubyshev, E. Petitprez, N. La Scala Jr., E. Marega Jr., P. Basmaji
76-79 Field of a Charged Particle in a Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory
S. Ragusa
80-88 Analysis of a Vapor-Cell Magneto-Optical Trap for Sodium Atoms Based on a Two-Level Doppler Theory
D. M. B. P. Milori, M. T. de Araujo, I. Guedes, S. C. Zilio, V. S. Bagnato
89-95 Phase diagrams of the Ashkin-Teller Model on the Cayley Tree
J. M. de Araújo, F. A. da Costa
96-103 Ideal Kinetics Study of The 585.4-nm He/Ne/H2 Nuclear Pumped Laser
Y. R. Shaban and T. P. R. Campos
104-111 Selectivity Optimization in Four-Step Pulsed Photo-Ionization
G. L. Demarco
112-119 Layered Superconductivity Models at the London Limit and Their Continuum Properties
M. M. Doria, E. Sardella
120-128 Two-Neutron Removal Cross Section of Exotic Nuclei Using Gaussian Nucleon Densities
R. A. Rego
129-134 A Proposed Continuous Wave 585.4-nm 4He/Ne/H2 Gas
Laser Mixture Pumped by $\alpha$-emitter Radioisotope
Y. R. Shaban, T. P. R. Campos
135-144 Electronic Structure of Substitutional 3D Impurities in $\gamma ^{\prime }$-Fe4N
J. C. Krause, C. Paduani
Special Section: Cooling, Trapping and Optics with Atoms, Ions and Molecules
145-146 Introduction
147-153 Inelastic Light Scattering from Alkali Bose-Einstein Condensates
Y. B. Band
154-161 Bose-Einstein Condensation of Lithium
C. A. Sackett, C. C. Bradley, M. Welling, R. G. Hulet
162-177 A Two-State Model for Controlling Scattering Lengths and Photoassociation Spectral Line Shapes of Alkali-Metal Atoms by Resonant Light in the Regime of Finite Ultracold Temperature
R. Napolitano
178-192 Experimental Creation and Measurement of Motional Quantum States of a Trapped Ion
D. M. Meekhof, D. Leibfried, C. Monroe, B. E. King, W. M. Itano, D. J. Wineland
193-213 Matter-Wave Index of Refraction, Inertial Sensing, and Quantum Decoherence in an Atom Interferometer
T. D. Hammond, M. S. Chapman, A. Lenef, J. Schmiedmayer, E. T. Smith, R. A. Rubenstein, D. A. Kokorowski, D. E. Pritchard
214-237 Quantum Theory of Linear Friction
S. Stenholm
238-242 Optical Catalysis in a Sodium Vapor Cell MOT
I.G. Marcassa, S.R. Munizand, J. Flemming
243-246 Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing in Cold Cesium Atoms Using a Noncycling Transition
J. W. R. Tabosa, S. S. Vianna
247-259 Studies of Weak Interactions with Ultra-Cold Atoms
R. Ejnisman, P. Rudy, N. P. Bigelow, P. S. P. Cardona, A. M. Tuboy, D. M. B. P. Millori, V. S. Bagnato
260-265 Nonadiabatic Regimes of Atomic Motion in Magnetic Traps
V. I. Yukalov
266-275 Construction of an Atomic Beam System and Efficient Production of Metastable States
J. V. B. Gomide, G. A. Garcia, F. C. Cruz, A. J. Polaquini, M. P. Arruda, D. Pereira, A. Scalabrin
276-284 Intermediate Pure Mixed State of the Quantized Radiation Field
B. Baseia, A. R. Gomes, V. S. Bagnato
285-290 The Lorentz-Dirac Equation for Linear and Nonlinear Potentials
Jayme De Luca
Special Section: The SiO2-Si Interface
291-292 Introduction
293-301 Isotopic Tracing of Oxygen During Thermal Growth of Thin Films of SiO2 ON Si in dry O2
I. Trimaille and J. -J. Ganem
302-313 Silicon Oxidation and Oxynitridation in the Ultrathin Regime: Ion Scattering Studies
E. P. Gusev, H. C. Lu, T. Gustafsson and E. Garfunkel
314-324 EPR Studies of the Microscopic Structure of the (100) Si/SiO2 Interface: current status and perspectives
H. J. von Bardeleben and J. L. Cantin
325 Microscopic Properties of the SiO2/Si Interface Growth Based on Numerical Simulations
B. D. Stovsic, Eronides F. da Silva Jr.