Vol. 9 - n. 1 - 1979
5-18 Analisis de Figuras Moiré Empleando Grillas Interferométricas con Perfiles de Airy
H. J. Rabal, M. Garavaglia
19-36 Optical Properties of an Electron Gas in the Generalized Hartree-Fock Approximation
Alma A. G. de Bassi
37-44 Statisticial Distribution of Solar Soft X-Ray Bursts
Pierre Kaufmann, L. Rizzo Piazza, R. E. Schaal
45-78 Analyser of the São Paulo University
S. J. Codina-Landaberry, J. A. de Freitas Pacheco
79-92 Sub-Picosecond Optical Pulses
O. Teschke
93-108 Atomic Center Interactions in BaO; Al2O3; B2O3 Glasses Containing Silver
W. M. Pontuschka, A. Piccini
109-122 Single Particle Green's Functions Calculation of the Electrical Conductivity of Strong Correlated Systems
Waldir A. Rodrigues Junior
123-128 A Simple Splat-Cooling Equipment
G. Quintana, H. Sirkin, M. Rosen, D. Kurlat, E. Frank
129-158 Bose-Einistein Condensation in a One-Dimensional System at Constant Pressure
A. M. Ferreira, A. N. Chaba
159-166 Influente, of the lonic Radii on the Transition Ternperature of Tilted Perovskites
A. S. Chaves
167-182 Influente of Refraction of p-Polarized Light on Photoemission from Metallic Surface States
A. Bagchi, R. G. Barrera
183-188 Temperature Controller by Continuous Heating of a Metallie Mass for the 77-300K Range
G. E. Barberis, I. Horton, C. Henderson
189-192 The Green's Function of a Relativistic Free-Electron in a Uniform Magnetic Field
J. Bellandi Filho, E. S. Caetano Neto, S. M. L. Pavão
193-204 Cluster-Bethe-Lattice Study of a Planar Antiferromagnet: Rb2NiF4
G. A. Gonzales de La Cruz, C. E. T. Golnçalves da Silva
205-216 Medidas do Coeficiente de Conversão de Modos em Fibras Oticas Multimodo
Harish R. D. Sunak, João Batista de M. A? Neto
217-228 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of the Surface Composition of Pt-Cu Alloys
C. L. Barreto, R. C. Gragnani, R. A. Douglas, V. S. Sundaram
229-242 On the Relation Between Fields and Potentials in Non Abelian Gauge Theories
C. G. Bollini, J. J. Giambiagi, J. Tiomno
243-274 Sobre a Gênese da Mecânica Ondulatória
Roland Köberle
275-294 A Teoria de Aprendizagem de David Ausubel como Sistema de Referência para a Organizaçilo de Conteúdo de Física
M. A. Moreira