Vol. 7 - n. 2 - 1977
187-196 Raios Gama de Baixa Energia Emitidos por Sco X-1
A. Bui-Van, I. M. Martin
197-208 D Neutrat Reactions
A. M. M. Monteiro, F. R. F. Aragao, J. L. Acioli
209-224 Some Theoretical Considerations about the Conformers for the Diacetamide Molecule
Alberto L. Capparelli, Julio Marañon, Oscar M. Sorarrain
225-236 Fast and Delayed Penetration of the Interplanetary Electric Field to the Earth's Magnetosphere
W. D. Gonzales, A. L. C. Gonzales, W. A. Almeida, F. S. Mozer
237-260 A Basis Expansion for the Hyperspherical Approach in a Simple Triton Model
H. T. Coelho, T. K. Das, M. Vallières
261-270 A Quantum Phenomenology of Viscosity
M. Carolina Nemes, A. F. R. de Toledo Piza
271-282 Criticism of the OPW Method for Band Structure Calculations
Karl Lendi
283-296 Analysis of Distortion in Momentum Distributions Obtained from Quasí-Free (p, 2p) Processes
P. M. Mors, V. E. Herscovitz, Gerhard Jacob
297-310 New Solutions of a Nonlinear Classical Field Theory: a "Charge Barrier" Mechanism
Gil C. Marques, Ivan Ventura
311-340 Relative Radiative Decay Rates of Vacancies in L-Subshells of Heavy Elements
C. V. Barros Leite, A. G. de Pinho, N. V. de Castro Faria
341-356 High-Ternperature Entropy of an lonic Model for the Phase Transition in SnCl2.2H2O
L. C. de Freitas, S. R. Salinas