Vol. 5 - n. 2 - 1975
139-152 Détermination Expérimentale du Spectre des Photons Gamrna dans 1' Atmosphère à 12 GV de Coupure Geomagnétique
I. M. Martin, S. L. G. Dutra, R. Palmeira, G. Vedrenne, F. Albernhe
153-168 Some Comments on PCDC and an Alternative Assumption
M. Melnikoff
169-188 Magnetic Properties of Neutron-Star Matter
N. C. Chao, J. W. Clark
189-200 Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance in CuCl2.2H2O
Y. S. Liu, L. T. Peixoto
201-206 A Model for tbe Interaction Between F centers and H Atoms in Ionic Crystals
V. R. Dumke, Milton de Souza
207-214 Discrete Convolution-Operators and Radioactive Disintegration
S. L. Kalla, M. E. Valentinuzzi
215-224 A New Measurement of 20Ne(d, a)18F Qo-Value
L. C. S. Bouéres, O. Dietzsch, T. Polga
225-236 Spectral Theory for Electronic States in One-Dimensional Disordered Systems
Shinzo Nakai, Lauro Santana
237-244 Transmission of Nematic Liquid Crystals in Electric Fields
Antonio E. Costa Pereira, Abel Rosato
245-252 Interpretação de Resultados de Testes de Retenção em Termos da Teoria de Aprendizagem de David Ausubel
M. A. Moreira, P. H. Dionisio
253-260 A Demonstration Apparatus to Show Interference Between Polarized Light Beams
D. Pescetti, E. Piano