Vol. 4 - n. 3 - 1974
323-371 Recent Developments in the Theory of Critical Phenomena
Bert Schroer
385-398 Light Scattering by Nuclear Magnons in Ferro - and Anti-Ferromagnets
M. G. A. Moura, S. M. Rezende
399-410 Spin Wave Amplification in Ferromagnetic Semiconductors - Plasma Effects
M. D. Coutinho Filho, L. C. M. Miranda, S. M. Rezende
411-418 On the Applicability of the Rule-of-Mixtures to the Strength Properties of Metal-Matrix Composites
K. K. Chawla
419-424 A Self-Consistent APW-k.p Energy Band Method
I. C. da Cunha Lima, Nelson J. Parada
425-430 Temperature Dependence of Soft Mode Frequency Above Phase Transition
A. Holz, B. Jouvet
431-446 Identification par R.P.E. d' un Nouveau Centre à Trou Piégé dans BeO Irradié
B. Maffeo, A. Herve, A. Hector
447-458 Conduction Electron Spin Resonance
S. Coutinho, R. Luzzi
459-468 Germanium Thermometers in the Temperature Range .lOO°K to 4.2OK
S. Y. Hsieh, D. H. Sánchez
469-478 On the Mechanisms of Excitation of Laser States in Singly Ionized Argon
H. S. Brandi
479-490 Deep Inelastic Electron-Nucleon Scattering in a Nonrelativistic Symmetric Quark Model
J. Bellandi Filho
491-498 Recombination Coefficients for Complex Ions of Na, Al, P, Cl, Ar and Ca
S. M. V. Aldrovandi, D. Pequignot
499-506 Convolution Quotients in the Production of Heat in an Infinite Cylinder
A. Battig, S. L. Kalla
507-530 On Spinor Representation of the Lorentz Group
Prem P. Srivastava
531-562 O Ensino da Física na Grande São Paulo
Anna Maria Pessoa de Carvalho
1-1 Pedro da Rocha Andrade
Darcy Dillenburg