Vol. 24 - n. 4 - 1994
819-824 High Temperature Dynamics of the Linear Chain Spin-One Model in a Transverse Field
F. C. Sá Barreto
825-831 Thermodynamic Behavior of Polymers on the Anisotropic Husimi Lattice
Kleber Daum Machado, Jurgen F. Stilck
832-843 On the SU(2) Skyrme Model with the Pion Mass Term
Juan A. Mignaco, Stenio Wulck
844-856 Path Integral over Velocities for Relativistic Particle Propagator
D. M. Gitman, Sh M. Shvartsman, W. da Cruz
857-864 Evolution
Naeem Jan
865-874 Two-Dimensional Pattern Formation in C 0 Oxidation on Pt(100)
D. Lima, R. F. S. Andrade
875-899 Complexity, Dissipation, Order Out of Chaos and Chaos Out of Order
Roberto Luzzi, Áurea Rosas Vasconcellos
900-906 Monte Carlo Simulation for Biological Aging
Dietrich Stauffer
907-914 Spin Glass: An Unfinished Story
J. R. L. de Almeida, S. Coutinho
915-921 Complexity and Extremal Dynamics
Per Bak, Maya Paczuski, Sergei Maslov
922-925 Granular Media Lattice Gas
Janos Kertész, Antal Károlyi
926-932 A View On Chaotic Dynamical Systems
J. Palis
933-941 First-Principies Molecular Dynamics
José R. Mohallem, Reinaldo O. Vianna, Hélio Chacham
942-947 Configurational and Electronic Properties of Amorphous Semiconductors
P. P. M. Venezuela, S. Canuto, A. Fazzio
948-955 Atomic Clusters on Surfaces: Interaction, Structure, and Stability
A. Antonelli, S. N. Khanna, P. Jena
956-964 Phonons, Isotope Effect, and Superconductivity in Ba1-x,KxBiO3: a Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Marcos H. Degani
965-976 How good are molecular local-density methods? Case studies: The quadrupole moment of benzene, geometry and electrostatics of dimethyl sulfoxide, and the conformations of dimethoxy ethane
Florian Muller-Plathe