Vol. 19 - n. 2 - 1989
149-165 Thermodynamic properties of the free massless Bose field on a lattice
R. M. Ricotta
166-189 Fermionization of strings, and their conformal invariant solutions
E. Abdalla, M. C. B. Abdalla
190-202 The phase transition diagram of the ?63 theory
Marcia G. Amaral, Ronald C. Shellard
203-214 Breaking of gauge invariance in spinor QED induced by a st ochastic regulat or
E. Abdalla, R. L. Viana
215-218 QuaIitative description of the electron's anomalous magnetic moment
L. Masperi
219-227 Optical coefficients and microstructure of fluoroborate glasses doped with europium and silver
G. A. Denisenko, L. D. Kislovskii, O. V. Uvarov, A. L. Vasil'Ev, A. S. Avilov, B. F. Djurinskii, G. F. de Sá, O. L. Malta
228-242 Electronic structure of ZnS: CUZn, VZn
Manoel Lopes de Siqueira, Paulo Sérgio Guimarães
243-262 Model calculations in the three-body approach to deuteron stripping reactions
K. Ueta
263-270 E2, E4, and E6 statistical decay spectra in 208Pb
N. Teruya, E. Wolynec, H. Dias
271-280 Separable coordinates and particle creation III: Accelerating, Rindler and Milne vacua
Isaias Costa, N. F. Svaiter
281-291 The valence bond theory applied to the cyclobutadiene molecule
F. E. Jorge
292-306 Grassmann's fields and generalized magnetic monopoles
Adolfo Maia Junior, Waldyr A. Rodrigues Junior