Vol. 18 - n. 4 - 1988
453-477 Constraints in an Extended U(1)-Model
R. M. Doria, F. A. B. Rabelo de Carvalho
478-493 Pion-Cloud Corrections to the Relativistic S + V Harmonic Potential Model
B. E. Palladino, P. Leal Ferreira
494-501 Exact Solution for the Ising Model in a Strip with Random Distribution of Bonds
J. L. dos Santos Filho, J. M. Silva, N. R. Silva
502-507 Fast Code for Monte Carlo Simulations
Paulo Murilo Castro de Oliveira, Thadeu Josino, Pereira Penna
508-524 Virtual Photon Spectra for Finite Nuclei
E. Wolynec, M. N. Martins
525-558 Electrornagnetic Production of Lepton Pairs in Relativistic Heavy Lon Collisions
C. A. Bertulani, G. Baur
559-573 Pair Production with Atomic-shell Capture in Relativistic Heavy Lon Collisions
C. A. Bertulani, G. Baur
574-586 Geometric Phases and Gravitational Anomalies
P. Caldas
587-592 Einstein Equation and Yang-Mills Theory of Gravitation
E. Stedile
593-608 A Clasical Approach to Higher-Derivative Gravity*
A. J. Accioly
609-616 Curvature Copies in Metric and Semi-Metric Manifolds
R. de Azeredo Campos, Patricio S. Letelier
617-625 A Massive Scalar Field as a Source of Gravity
Victor Varela