Vol. 18 - n. 2 - 1988
157-160 On the Internal Size of Compact Dimensions in Polyakov's Bosonic String Moving in SO(2) Group Space
Luis C. L. Botelho
161-173 Decorated Ising Models with Competing Interactions and Modulated Structures
Marcelo H. R. Tragtenberg, Carlos S. O. Yokoi, Silvio R. Salinas
174-181 Acceptor and Donor Levels Of 3d Impurities at Interstitial Sites in GaAs
Luísa M. R. Scolfaro, A. Fazzio
182-190 Extended General Relativistic Lagrangian for Spinning Fluids
Antonio F. da F. Teixeira
191-214 Is the Classical Electron Really Spherical?
Normando C. Fernandes
215-232 Non-Abelian Spinning Particle in an Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs Field
S. Ragusa
233-242 Photoionisation of Some C2+ Excited Terms
D. Petrini, M. A. Delgado Machado
243-260 Dispersion Interaction Between Two Hydrogen Molecules
Irineu Luiz de Carvalho
261-266 Calculation of Cosrnic Ray Proton Flux in the Real Dornain
N. Arata, F. M. Oliveira Castro
267-278 Exact Calculation of the Devil's Staircase of a Discontinuous Linear Circle Map
Mario J. de Oliveira, Carlos S. O. Yokoi