Vol. 14 - n. 1 - 1984
1-14 Influente of Light-Quark Masses in Dynamical Scale Breaking
J. Barcelos Neto, R. Chanda
15-23 A Variational Calculation for the Charmonium
O. Portilho, Z. M. O. Shokranian
24-42 Numerical Simulation of h?44
Marcia G. do Amaral, C. A. Aragao de Carvalho, R. C. Shellard
43-47 Extension of the Decomposition Theorem for Ising and Classical Spin Systems
L. L. Gonçalves
48-53 Migdal-kadanoff Renormalization Group for the Z(5) model
V. L. V. Baltar, G. M. Carneiro, M. E. Pol, N. Zagury
54-61 On Real Space Scalings for the Transverse Ising Model
Rita M. Zorzenon dos Santos, Raimundo R. dos Santos
62-85 Semiclassical Matrix Elements
A. M. Ozorio de Almeida
86-92 Zeernan Effect in NO
I. R. Bonilla
93-102 Study of the CI, Molecule by the Variational Cellular Method
Abel Rosato, Marco A. P. Lima
103-106 Electron Scattering with Spin-Orbit Interaction and the Mott Theorem
J. B. Bastos Filho
107-113 Magnetic Scattering in Born Approximation
J. B. Bastos Filho
114-120 A Theoretical Study of the Core-Ionized States of NF
Amary César, Sylvio Canuto
121-132 New Algebraic Tables of SU(2) Quantitieo
J. A. Castilho Alcarás, V. Vanagas