Vol. 37 - n. 2B - June - 2007
Special Issue: I Latin American Workshop on High Energy Physics

iv Foreword


473-483 Diffraction in QCD
Boris Kopeliovich, Irina Potashnikova, and Ivan Schmidt
484-493 Propagators, Running Coupling and Condensates in Lattice QCD
Attilio Cucchieri and Tereza Mendes
494-498 Physics of Astroparticles
S. J. Sciutto
499-505 Study of Bulk Properties of QCD Matter by the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Takeshi Kodama
506-513 New Solutions to the Hierarchy Problem
Gustavo Burdman


514-519 On the Faddeev-Popov Operator Eigenspectrum in Topological Background Fields
Axel Maas
520-525 Pions in Isospin Dense Media
M. Loewe and C. Villavicencio
526-531 Phase Diagram of Quark Matter in Nonlocal Chiral Models under Color and Electric Charge Neutrality Conditions
D. Gómez Dumm, A. G. Grunfeld, and N. N. Scoccola
532-537 Roles of Wave Functions in the Electroproduction of Vector Mesons
Erasmo Ferreira and Vera L. Baltar
538-544 Sea Quark and Gluon Polarization in the Nucleon
D. de Florian, G. A. Navarro, and R. Sassot
545-548 High-Energy Gamma-Ray Production in Microquasars
Hugo R. Christiansen, Gustavo E. Romero, and Mariana Orellana
549-554 Extending SUSY reach at the CERN Large Hadron Collider using b-tagging
P. G. Mercadante, J. K. Mizukoshi, and Xerxes Tata
555-560 Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering in Color Dipole Formalism
Magno V. T. Machado
561-566 High Density QCD Through Eletromagnetic Probes
M. A. Betemps and M. B. Gay Ducati
567-571 Gauge/String Duality and Hadronic Physics
Henrique Boschi-Filho and Nelson R. F. Braga
572-577 Withdrawn by the author in accordance with the editor
578-584 Constraints on the Environment Depence of the Neutrino Mass from Solar and Reactor Neutrino Data
Pedro Cunha de Holanda
585-590 NLO QCD Corrections to Inclusive Jet and Hadron Production in DIS
A. Daleo, D. de Florian, and R. Sassot
591-596 The Infrared Behavior of the Gluon and Ghost Propagators in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory in the Maximal Abelian Gauge
M. A. L. Capri, D. Dudal, J. A. Gracey, V. E. R. Lemes, R. F. Sobreiro, S. P. Sorella, R. Thibes, and H. Verschelde
597-600 Lattice Results for the QCD Phase Transition
Tereza Mendes
601-604 Memory Effect and Fast Spinodal Decomposition
T. Koide, G. Krein, and Rudnei O. Ramos


605-608 Langevin Dynamics of the Deconfinement Transition for Pure Gauge Theory
Ana Júlia Mizher, Eduardo S. Fraga, and Gastão Krein
609-612 Compact Charged Stars
Beatriz B. Siffert, J. R. T. de Mello Neto, and Maurício O. Calvão
613-616 Nucleation in the Chiral Transition with an Inhomogeneous Background
Bruno G. Taketani and Eduardo S. Fraga
617-621 Detection of Ultra High-Energy Tau-Neutrinos with Fluorescence Detectors
C. A. Moura Jr. and M. M. Guzzo
622-625 Nuclear Effects in HERA-B
A. L. Ayala Filho, V. P. Gonçalves, and C. Brenner Mariotto
626-629 Effects of Solar Neutrinos Scale on Atmospheric Neutrino Flux
D. R. Grating and O. L. G. Peres
630-632 On New Gauge Boson Signals According to the Littlest Higgs Model in Future e+ e- Colliders
F. M. L. de Almeida Jr., Y. A. Coutinho, J. A. Martins Simões, A. J. Ramalho, and S. Wulck
633-636 Simple Hadronic Cascade Simulations
Fernando Sepúlveda and Claudio Dib
637-641 Family Dependence in 331 Models
R. Martínez and F. Ochoa
642-647 Neutrino Signals from Galactic Binaries
Hugo R. Christiansen
648-651 BK Equation and Traveling Wave Solutions
J. T. de Santana Amaral, M. A. Betemps, M. B. Gay Ducati, and G. Soyez
652-655 Non-Local Effects at the Onset of the Chiral Transition
Letícia F. Palhares, Eduardo S. Fraga, Takeshi Kodama, and Gastão Krein
656-660 Elastic Energy Loss in an Expanding QGP
M. B. Gay Ducati, V. P. Gonçalves, and L. F. Mackedanz
661-664 From Integral to Derivative Dispersion Relations
R. F. Ávila and M. J. Menon
665-667 Asymmetries in the Littlest Higgs Model
F. M. L. de Almeida Jr., Y. A. Coutinho, J. A. Martins Simões, A. J. Ramalho, S. Wulck, and M. A. B. do Vale
668-670 f0(1370) decay in the Fock-Tani formalism
Mario L. L. da Silva, Daniel T. da Silva, Dimiter Hadjimichef, and Cesar A. Z. Vasconcellos
671-674 SPH Formalism for Second Order Thermodynamics
Philipe Mota, Gabriel S. Denicol, and Takeshi Kodama
675-678 On Model-Independent Analyses of Elastic Hadron Scattering
R. F. Ávila, S. D. Campos, M. J. Menon, and J. Montanha
679-682 Photon-Hadron Interactions in pA/AA Collisions and the QCD Dynamics
V. P. Gonçalves and M. V. T. Machado
683-686 Dynamical Gluon Mass in QCD Processes
M. B. Gay Ducati and W. Sauter