Vol. 36 - n. 3A - September - 2006
Special Issue IV Brazilian Meeting on Simulational Physics

iiiii Foreword
603-609 A Harris-Todaro Agent-Based Model to Rural-Urban Migration
Aquino L. Espíndola, Jaylson J. Silveira, and T. J. P. Penna
610-613 Dense Packings
H. J. Herrmann, R. Mahmoodi Baram, and M. Wackenhut
614-618 Heterogeneities in Aging Models of Granular Compaction
Jeferson J. Arenzon
619-622 Wang-Landau Sampling in Three-Dimensional Polymers
A. G. Cunha Netto, C. J. Silva, A. A. Caparica, and R. Dickman
623-626 Monte Carlo Simulations of a Semi-Flexible Polymer Chain: A First Glance
D. T. Seaton, S. J. Mitchell, and D. P. Landau
627-630 Polymer Dynamics: Long Time Simulations and Topological Constraints
Kurt Kremer
631-634 Comparison Among HB-inspired Algorithms for Continuous-Spin Systems and Gauge Fields
A. Cucchieri, R. B. Frigori, T. Mendes, and A. Mihara
635-639 Wang-Landau Sampling of an Asymmetric Ising Model: A Study of the Critical Endpoint Behavior
Shan-Ho Tsai, Fugao Wang, and D.P. Landau
640-644 What Do Monte Carlo Simulations Tell Us About Compressible Ising Models?
D. P. Landau
645-647 Monte Carlo Study of the Metamagnet Ising model in a Random and Uniform Field
A. Weizenmann, M. Godoy, and A. S. de Arruda
648-651 Numerical Simulation of N-vector Spin Models in a Magnetic Field
Tereza Mendes and Attilio Cucchieri
652-656 Thermodynamic Properties of Small Magnetic Particles
Vanessa Souza Leite and Wagner Figueiredo
657-659 Dynamic Behavior of Cluster Observables for the 2d Ising Model
Wanderson G. Wanzeller, Tereza Mendes, and Gastão Krein
660-663 Critical Behavior of the Spin-$3/2$ Blume-Capel Model on a Random Two-Dimensional Lattice
F. W. S. Lima and J. A. Plascak
664-671 Critical Behavior of Ising Models with Random Long-Range (Small-World) Interactions
X. Zhang and M. A. Novotny
672-675 Monte Carlo Simulations of Ultrathin Magnetic Dots
M. Rapini, R. A. Dias, B. V. Costa, and D. P. Landau
676-681 Computer Simulation of the Stochastic Dynamics of Super-Paramagnetic Particles in Ferrofluids
Claudio Scherer
682-684 Two-Dimensional Wigner Crystal on Helium Films: An Indication of Quantum Melting
J. A. R. da Cunha and Ladir Cândido
685-689 Quasi-Stationary Simulation: the Subcritical Contact Process
Marcelo Martins de Oliveira and Ronald Dickman
690-699 Determination of Prediction Intervals for a Future Number of Failures: A Statistical and Monte Carlo Approach
Fortunato S. de Menezes, Mário J. Ferrua Vivanco, and Luiz C. Sampaio
700-707 Scaling Properties of the Fermi-Ulam Accelerator Model
Jafferson Kamphorst Leal da Silva, Denis Gouvêa Ladeira, Edson D. Leonel, P. V. E. McClintock, and Sylvie O. Kamphorst
708-716 Two-Dimensional Critical Potts and its Tricritical Shadow
Wolfhard Janke and Adriaan M. J. Schakel
717-719 Ground State Energy of Charged Particles Clusters by Quantum Monte Carlo Method
N. L. Moreira, J. N. Teixeira Rabelo, and L. Cândido
720-724 MD Study of Energetics, Melting and Isomerization of Aluminum Microclusters
Mustafa Böyükata and Ziya B. Güvenç
725-729 Effects of Molecular Rovibrational States and Surface Topologies for Molecule-Surface Interaction: Chemisorption Dynamics of D2 Collision with Rigid Ni Surfaces
Mustafa Böyükata and Ziya B. Güvenç
730-735 Estimation of Cross Sections for Molecule-Cluster Interactions by using Artificial Neural Networks
Mustafa Böyükata, Yücel Koçyigit, and Ziya B. Güvenç
736-740 Lattice Gas with Nearest-Neighbor Exclusion in a Shear-Like Field
Fabricio Q. Potiguar and Ronald Dickman
741-745 Temperature Dependent Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Friction
R. A. Dias, M. Rapini, B. V. Costa, and P. Z. Coura
746-749 A New Method to Study Stochastic Growth Equations: Application to the Edwards-Wilkinson Equation
T. G. Mattos, J. G. Moreira, and A. P. F. Atman
750-754 Generalized Manna Sandpile Model with Height Restrictions
Wellington Gomes Dantas and Jürgen F. Stilck

Regular Articles

755-758 A Scale-Free Network of Evoked Words
A. A. A. Ferreira, G. Corso, G. Piuvezam, and M. S. C. F. Alves
759-772 Electrostatic Waves in a Maxwellian Dusty Plasma with Variable Charge on Dust Particles
R. S. Schneider, L. F. Ziebell, M. C. de Juli, and V. Jatenco-Pereira
772-776 Stability in a Class of Quartessence Models
A. M. Velásquez-Toribio
777-782 Analysis of the Relativistic Brownian Motion in Momentum Space
Kwok Sau Fa
783-788 Study of Confinement Improvement in Presence of a MARFE in the HT-7 Superconducting Tokamak
M. Asif and the HT-7 Team
789-794 Design and Performance of a Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Tandem Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
C. P. Santacruz, E. Ayala, and C. Costa-Vera
795-798 Universal Curve of Ionic Conductivities in Binary Alkali Tellurite Glasses
Marcio Luis Ferreira Nascimento and Shigueo Watanabe

Review Article

799-807 Density Functional Theory Method for Non-Equilibrium Charge Transport Calculations: TRANSAMPA
Frederico D. Novaes, Antônio J. R. da Silva, and A. Fazzio